and put in some annuals at the cemetery. With our weird winter, the
only perennials that made it through at the cemetery were the monarda
and the lavender. We're also trying to terrorize our fat and belligerent
squirrels away from the new bird feeder.
On the knitting front, I've completed some May mittens (per EZ's recommendations
in Knitter's Almanac). The 2 children's pairs are both made with Harrisville 2-ply. The kittens are from a Norsk Strikkedesign sweater. The stars arefrom a wonderful Small Sweaters mitten pattern. The adult ones were made with scrap yarns and based on 2 different designs in Magnificent Mittens.
I've also got one finished triangular scarfy thing made with Cherry Tree
Hill baby loop boucle in baby blue. It was kind of a pain to knit with, so I petered out on my shawl plans. This took 2 ounces out of what I believe to be approximately 40 ounces of this stuff in my possession. (Drat those January sales.) The other is a just-begun-today scarf out of Trendsetter's Superkid Seta (which seems just like KSH). It's humming along nicely. I do love a bit of garter stitch! These scarves are both intended as teacher gifts for the nursery teachers-- the last day is this coming Thursday, so I need to hustle a bit and delay working on
the current socks in progress... someday soon I will try to get good photos of the growing pile of handknit socks that my husband is not yet allowed to wear!