In normal knitting news, I got the latest pair of men's socks done last night. Just in time for the end of father's day but of course he is not allowed to wear them yet. (I will try to get a picture soon.) So, not knowing what to work on, I plowed through the various projects on the needles, most of which I have been utterly uninspired to work on for months:
There is the child's placket neck pullover from Last Minute Knitted Gifts-- dull, dull, dull, and the seed stitch hem is rolling like crazy. I have begun one sleeve after getting up to the armpits of the sweater body. I don't know if I am going to frog it or not.
There is a drop stitch scarf out of Schaefer Anne, which was worked on steadily for 2 days or so after I planned the pattern back in February, and, while it is pretty, I have to force myself to even get a row or two done, so that may end up being frogged as well. I think the problem with that project mostly lies in the fact that it had been in a previous incarnation a basically complete lace shawl when it had a terrible accident far beyond my one and only pathetic little life line! Perhaps it is really destined to be socks.
There is also a striped men's sweater (good idea or folly?) done almost to the arm-shaping, so it awaits decisions-- how to stripe the arms, raglan or set-in sleeves-- before I can continue. And, again, it's been sitting around for ages while I don't make the decisions and don't feel like working on it. Yet it would be nice to get it done-- that would be a good quantity of stash used up and Mr. BooBoo (sorry, hon) does always wear his hand-knit sweaters without complaint, so it would be nice for him to have another before fall.
However, in the bottom of the tote, I pulled out my scrapghan pieces and decided to sew them together and then decide what to do next. You can see it is pretty wonky. I saw the pictures of Mason-Dixon's log cabin afghans back in September and gathered up lots of dribs and drabs and didn't worry about dimensions or stitch counts. It may indeed, as is mentioned in the book somewhere, just become an "interesting textile". Anyhoo, for whatever reason, I've started another piece to add to it. Even if it just hides away in the dress-up bucket when all is said and done, it's a good bit of brainless, no pressure knitting, which looks to be just what I need at the moment.